Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Recess Fun

The Awesome Football Game at Recess

It was me frank jimmey josh logan nick.k dom sam joey louie kyle.p mikey ray jordan.g eathan and francisco (that’s both teams).My team kicked it off we charged at them and whipped it at them logan got it and ran me and dom got him down. Kyle was QB he was in a shotgun formation he threw it to josh eathan smacked it away kyle did the same the rest of the downs. They kicked  it off jimmey got it he ran a yard or 2 he did a fake hand off and threw a hail mary to me I caught it i ran about 60 yards I jumped threw 2 defenders then I was trapped there where 3 defenders they got me down. The next play sam intercepted it and ran about 40 yards they got a touchdown the next play we eventually ran it back for a touchdown our recess time was up it was tied we where happy we didn’t lose.
By: Jared

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