Thursday, January 19, 2012


Earlier last week, the kids read a story in class called "Storm Warriors;" it was a story where a group of African American sailors were very brave and went out to rescue a group of sailors trapped off-shore.  In the story, Nathan, the min character, rescued a man with his medical knowledge and wrapped him in oilskin.  We discussed this cloth and I remembered that I owned an oilskin coat!

Today, I brought the coat in and demonstrated to the class the amazing properties of oilskin!  Oilskin is amazing because it quite literally repels water for many years.  As you can see from the picture, it's quite an awesome coat!  Danny wore it so I could demonstrate that when you pour water on the coat, it runs off or simply forms bubbles.  The coat itself, and similarly you, stays dry!  It's pretty amazing stuff!

I can't figure out why this picture is sideways, but there's Danny wearing my coat!

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