Monday, April 16, 2012

FMA Live

On April 11th, 5th and 6th Grade had an awesome Field Trip to see FMA Live, a science show sponsored by NASA and Honeywell electric.  The show featured Newton's 3 Laws of Motion and Gravity: 1) An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force; 2) Force = mass x acceleration; and 3) For every reaction, there is an equal and opposite reaction.  The kids LOVED the presentation, which included student (and teacher!) demos, hip-hop dancing, and rockin' music!  It was the first time we'd ever seen the show, and it was AWESOME!  Hopefully, one of the kids will have an opportunity to post about it soon!

Here is a link to the EPIC sumo-wrestling video that I KNOW you've all been waiting to see...  MISS TROLIO vs. MISS R!!    Sumo-Wrestling Teachers!!!

On the bus to the HS

Boys Hang Out!

Jillian, Meghann, and Layla are excited!

Danny is REALLY excited!

Our class having fun!

Mr. P introduces the show

Awesome Hip-Hop Dancers

They were too funny

Sir Isaac Newton tells us about his ideas

The Super-Awesome Velcro Wall with Kyle stuck to it!

Evan and Kyle going head-to-head

Evan on the wall

Gabby testing out the F= MxA Theory

A HUGE soccer much force do you need?


Bottle Rockets for Action & Reaction

The Dragsters!

Ok...this guy on the video REALLY needed help...are you with me?

Mr. Morgan in the Hoverchair!

Mr. Morgan getting sent into the pie while IN the hoverchair!

Mr. Morgan covered with pie!

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